
  International Schools Software Competition (ISSC)

This competition commenced in 1989 in Singapore and continued every year. It has provided an immense service to the younger generation and motivated them to embrace the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

The competition is hosted by the member countries in the region with the aim of bringing out problem solving and programming talents in school students in competitive environment, at the international level. The competition also provides an opportunity for students from the Asia Pacific Region to meet and exchange valuable experience in the field of ICT and to acquire better awareness of culture, life-style and aspirations of each other’s country, leading to social harmony in the region.

  The South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC)

The South East Asia Regional Computer Confederation (SEARCC) is a forum of national Information Technology professional societies in the Asia Pacific region.

The concept of a regional computer confederation grew out of the first regional computer conference held in Singapore in September 1976 under the auspices of the International Federation for Information Processing and implemented by the Singapore Computer Society.

The Charter and Constitution of SEARCC was signed in Singapore on the 28th February 1978. Six national societies from the region, the Hong Kong Computer Society, Indonesian Computer Society, Malaysian National Computer Confederation, Philippines Computer Society, Singapore Computer Society and Computer Association of Thailand were the founding signatories.


是一個研究與推廣電腦學術的全國性、公益性社團組織。成員來自國內產、學、研各界對 資訊(電腦、通信)學術具有共同興趣的資訊單位與從業 人士,分為團體會員與個人會員兩類,目前有個人 會員四佰餘人,另有政府機關、學 校、學術研究機構及公民營事業六十餘機構參加為團體會員。謹就現況作 概括性之引介。

電腦學會配合政府鼓勵資訊深入教育,因此透過每年舉辦青年程式競賽,鼓勵高中職學生培養 對電腦學習並彼此切磋的機會。目前青年程式程式競賽除了傳統的資訊解題外,更納入了電 腦技能檢定與自走車比賽等多樣的活動。

中華民國電腦學會 官方網站: http://www.csroc.org.tw

  5F.-4, No.374, Sec. 2, Bade Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 10556, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL :(02)2781-1753 FAX:(02)2781-2753 Email:csroc@csroc.org.tw