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Object-Orieted Technology Special Interest Group Rules

1.In consideration of the progress of computer, information , and communication, the multiple developments of academic research is generated.According to the needs of members, we set up special interest groups of each kind of professional domains(ex:object-oriented techniques, computer cadding, image processing) or similar organizations to promote the academic and technical researchs of related domains.

2.The rules is set forth by the organization rules No.23.

3.The special interest team established by our society should be named after the name of our society like:Computer Society of The Republic of China Object-Oriented Special Interest Technology Team.

4.Special team is established after more than seven members' application which should be verified by supervisor and director committee.

5.Job of special interest team:
Be aimed at the academic-related activities of professional acadimic domain, develop domestically, and promote the communication, cooperation, and advice services of technical experience.

6.Membership of special interest team
i.People who is interested in specific research domain and is the member of our society.
ii.Ungraduate students is able to apply for being a student member.

7.Special team organization
i.Special team set up executive committee to push, plan, execute team missions.
ii.The expiration of executive committee is set by annual meeting, team member meeting, member representative meeting to vote members of it.A member can be voted continuously(limited to twice)
iii.One of the executive committee will be voted to by members to participate in the director and supervisor meeting of our society.
iv.It depends on the circustance that one of the executive committee should be voted as a executive secretary to deal with team works by conventor's order, and its tenure is determined by executive committee.
v.Executive committee of special team(conventor included) will be given a Elected Certification by our society.
vi.Speical team is supported by secretary team of our society to assist normal administrative matters.

i.Hold national academic conference, related lessons of professional domains.
ii.Publish special jounals or publish special issue on computer journal.
iii.coordinate with Computer Society Report Publication Team's message and communication.
iv.Connect with academic organizations of homogeneously international profession domains, promote academic communications.
v.Hold activities verified by our society.
vi.Provide technique advice services for domestically homogeneous industry.
vii.Hold social activities, annual meetings and participate in society-related activities.

(1)Expenses of annual activities:Team members should pay besides the entrance fee, annual fee, and annual activities fee of special team.And its amount is determined by executive committee and the standard of student member activity fee.
(2)Team members donations, income of services, surplus of activities, case allowance, and others.
ii.The income and outcome of Special team is managed by our society's account.
iii.Our society will take over the surplus when the special team is dismissed.

10.If member of special team do not do his duty, he'll be punished by society rules.

11.The rules is verified by supervisor and director committee.